Monday, August 23, 2010

There is no passion to be found in playing small...

When I arrived in West Virginia there was a verse in 1 Thessalonians that really spoke to my heart. It read...

The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.

Today was a testament to God's faithfulness.

It was one of the first days as a teacher that I felt strong. Obviously this has not come about in my own power.

God has worked so much through this past year to bring me to this point. He is still working.

There were SO many moment's last year that I wanted to give up. Leading up to the beginning of school there were moments when I wondered how in the world I was going to change the climate of my classroom to something that would be helpful and meaningful.

But today I got so excited because I could viably see how God was molding and shaping my classroom into something that can be used for Him.

I am beginning to develop great relationships with my new sixth grade class and am continuing the process of building relationships with my older two grades. I am so excited about how God is grounding me and teaching me patience in His work.

I write this as an encouragement to anyone reading this. God is at work. Always, he is at work. Sometimes it seems that nothing will ever change. But it will because, "He who calls you is faithful."

I have begun to challenge my students to reach for greatness, using a quote by Nelson Mandela.

There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.

For so long many of my students have lived in generational poverty. They have settled for a life that is less than so many of them are capable of. They need prayer and inspiration to rise above that.

It is my prayer that God would touch their hearts and their lives this year.

As I challenge my students, I also challenge myself. We can all strive for greatness -greatness in how we serve, greatness in how we live. God will equip us to do great things for Him when we surrender to Him.


  1. Soooo proud of you, Laura! You are my hero and so encouraging! I'll continue to pray for you--He who has begun a work in and through you WILL be faithful to complete it!! Love you!

  2. You go, Girl!!! Press on!!

    Love you!!

