Sunday, September 5, 2010

How do you mold a child?

When I was growing up Dad was discipline, Mom was grace, and both were love. They worked every day to mold me into a young woman of good character. I am so grateful for the time they took to teach me how I should behave. I know that they disciplined me because they loved me, they wanted me to understand at a young age the difference between right and wrong.

I remember a time when I was about eight, (not exactly sure of the age but we'll say eight for the sake of argument), and I was using my pretzels to create a picture on my plate. I wanted to glue the pieces together but Mom didn't want me to waste my food. Who knows why I really wanted to glue a bunch of pretzels together, but I was determined to try everything to convince my mom. I fibbed and told her that another child's mom let him do the same thing. Fine my mom would call this mother and ask. I finally broke and told her that she didn't really let him glue pretzels together and needless to say I didn't get to either.

This is just one example of how my parents taught me that doing the wrong thing - like lying - does not solve our problems. No matter how insignificant it may seem.

Although I am not a parent myself yet, I have recently become the molder and shaper of almost eighty, twelve through fourteen year old children. Just as I needed molding, these children need it too. They need that perfect combination of discipline, grace, and love. I'll be honest - I haven't figured out that combination yet. I'm still learning. I have made mistakes that I regret. However, I will tell you one thing - I do love my students and I want to do the best for them. I want to teach them all that I am able to and mold them into young men and women who will go into the world confident that they can do whatever it is that set's their hearts on fire.

I was recently criticized by someone I don't even know concerning how I have handled my classroom. I'll be honest - it hurt. However, I have decided that the best thing I can do is let it push me to continue my journey to figure out what I need to do. I am asking for help. I am asking for suggestions from anyone who has ever worked with children - parents and teachers.

If I didn't care about my students I would give up now because honestly some days the task I have been given seems impossible. So I ask for help. How do you mold a child?